At Flatiron Vision our Doctors perform a thorough comprehensive eye examination
The examination bigins with preliminary testing including visual field testing, NCT(non contact tonometry) for eye pressure testing, color vision and depth perception testing.
Other optional testing may be recommended by the doctor at the examination including but not limited to Opomap retinal imaging and corneal topography. Our Optometrist will then determine your glasses and contact lens prescription, followed by a slit lamp eye health evaluation. Eye dilation may also be recommended by the doctor.
Call today to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive eye or contact lens exam with one of our doctors.
If you already have a valid contact lens prescription, you may also call and place an order for a contact lens supply. We look forward to SEEing you.
Optomap technology is the latest in preventative eye care. Screening leads to the diagnosis and treatment of eye and non-eye disease at an earlier stage – this can save sight and save lives.
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Eyemed Participating Provider
Superior Vision Provider